Lawsuit Loans, Settlement Loans, And Car Wrecks
You may be one of the tens of thousands of individuals who find themselves in need of either lawsuit loans or settlement loans to assist following injuries they received in a car wreck. Why is that? In many instances, these individuals find that, due to their injuries, they are unable to continue working. Additionally, these individuals often find that, irrespective of their ability to work, their bills continue to pour in. Furthermore they now are going to be confronted, at least in many instances, by unanticipated legal expenses to bring suit against the individual who caused them harm. Sadly, in the vast majority of instances, individuals who cause the harm are either unwilling or unable to compensate those individuals they injured.
Estimates place the number of bodily-injury producing car wrecks at 1-3 million each year. Make no mistake about it, car wrecks are the bread-and-butter of many personal injury attorneys. Many estimate that they make up a substantial proportion of all personal injury claims filed annually. Those familiar with the landscape should not be surprised to learn this. Individuals injured in car wrecks frequently suffer bodily injury and, much too often, death.
It is interesting to note that car wreck cases provide a tremendous opportunity for skilled attorneys to actually present evidence to jurors in the courtroom. The standard that will be utilized will be the "reasonable person" standard. Keep in mind that if a reasonable person is able to view the evidence, and readily discern that the injuries claimed could have reasonably been linked to that car wreck, the plaintiff stands a good chance of prevailing in the lawsuit.
However, one must also take into consideration other circumstances that may be introduced at trial that may convince the jurors that something other than the car wreck caused the injuries. To prevail in the underlying lawsuit, the plaintiff must convince the jurors that it was the defendant who either caused or set in motion the circumstances that resulted in the injuries sustained.
Due to the fact that we encounter them so frequently, it is unlikely that anyone would credibly dispute the fact that car wrecks are commonly encountered in virtually all communities. It is unfortunate that these incidents produce quite a strain on our economy, not to mention the impact on victims' lives. Injuries sustained in motor vehicle accidents often produce pain that will last for months or years, thousands of man-hours are lost annually, and, in many instances, permanent disfigurement and/or loss of life occurs. Studies published from the Spine Research Institute indicate that as many as 45% of individuals suffering from chronic neck pain do so as a result of injuries sustained in a motor vehicle collision.
Due to the large number of lawsuits filed each year as a result of injuries sustained in car wrecks, we have a tendency to view those injured individuals who file such claims as doing so for some inappropriate purpose. It is important to note that injury sustained in a car wreck can range from minor to catastrophic. It is sad to see individuals who have sustained lifelong and irreversible brain injuries as a result of someone's carelessness when behind the wheel of a car.
Insurance carriers spend millions of dollars annually attempting to introduce legislation to put a cap on an individual's ability to receive compensation for injuries sustained as a result of a car wreck. This Is oftentimes done while portraying insurance carriers as entering into the situation with "clean hands." Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for insurance carriers to create a tremendous amount of harm due to their refusal to pay for legitimate claims and/or egregious conduct toward plaintiffs.
Statistically, car wrecks are the leading cause of death among individuals 15 to 20 years of age. It is also estimated that approximately 7% of individuals who get behind the wheel of a car are actually involved in approximately 15% of all fatal car wrecks.
What happens immediately following a car wreck? Irrespective of the severity of the impact, virtually any car wreck will be traumatic to the individuals involved. Immediately following the incident, individuals often find themselves very nervous, frightened, agitated, and eager to assign blame to the other party. At a time when you need to have your emotions and faculties under control, they are strained and individuals aren't thinking clearly.
In addition to many of the other frustrations encountered, individuals often readily realize that they now have unanticipated expenses and inconvenience. How are they going to pay for the repair of their vehicle? Are they going to be able to return to full employment? Are they going to be able to make mortgage payments, etc.? All these questions run through individuals' minds. It is just at times like these that lawsuit loans and same day car accident settlement loans can prove very useful to individuals who sustain injuries in car wrecks. -
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