Carpet or hardfloor?
Guys, I try to choose what's the best for a master bedroom: a carpet or hardfloor?
What do you have? Why?
Please, share your experience with your coverings! -
I think that carpets will be the most optimal if you want to save on heating the apartment.
The carpet really has a very good effect on the acoustics of the room, as well as on the thermal insulation. I recommend you take a look at the website, where you can choose a variety of carpets and rugs. I personally prefer not Persian, but modern rugs. But this is my taste. You can choose for yourself, I don't insist.
By the way, MarkUltra has mentioned such thing as insulation and to be honest, I think that it's a very important thing, and you all shouldn't forget about it too. Personally I believe that you need to save this resource on because it's a good store where you will be able to find any stuff that is connected with the insulation, so I believe that you just need to check their website right there too. I wish you all good luck guys. Hope it will help