I want to know what is your attitude to marijuana smoking and to the law that promoted its legalization in the US market. How should one relate to this fact and what to expect in the future? Especially in California.
Despite relaxing cannabis laws, marijuana concentrates remain illegal in many areas that have instead legalized recreational and medical marijuana use. These zones include all of Canada as well as some of the US states. Therefore, not everything is so simple.
I am for a meaningful and European attitude towards cannabis, for a legalized and progressive attitude towards this issue. I don’t see anything wrong with such a habit and don’t even consider it as harmful.
So why are they still being treated with such restraint in this new era of looser marijuana laws? This is the choice of adults who knowingly purchase marijuana only from an official marijuana store with a license to sell. And buying weed online in California you have quantity restrictions and you should remember about them. I believe that this product is of better quality and harmless than alcohol, tobacco and other harmful substances. Moreover, this component is an important part of a peaceful culture that is respected all over the world, so you need to be loyal.
Now I grow hybrid cannabis varieties, as for me this is the most profitable option for growing cannabis seeds. In some areas, hybrid strains have even become legal. Here Over here, I have one article that describes in more detail information about hybrid marijuana strains, as for me it is useful to read for anyone who wants to grow cannabis but does not know which strain to grow.