@Gangster said in How can you prevent your net web site toward terrible seo?:
Thanks for sharing this great article, now I'm looking for some ideas how to improve my website's SEO, but how can I know whether the company I'm going to apply good or not? They all promise the best and quick result, but when it comes to the end, the result can be unpredictable. Need a lot of explanations of some details connected with JavaScript websites that I can’t cope up with.
I wouldn't trust any company if I really bother about my website. If you're a newbie in SEO, and have just started, I can recommend you reading more about it, and if your website is written with JavaScript, this article https://seranking.com/blog/css-and-javascript-seo/ will be helpful for you. You'll find the description of the major errors you can meet when auditing your website and the possible solutions of them. You'll find the basic information about JavaScript sites, and the advice how to make your website attractive for users.