Also! If that doesn't work, you may have to log into Chrome again:
- Open up Chrome's settings (visit chrome://settings )
- Click "Disconnect Google Account
- Log back in to chrome
- Videostream should recognize your account again!
Also! If that doesn't work, you may have to log into Chrome again:
Ah yes, the ol' responsive design. This is something we'll get to at some point, I'm sure. :-D
It's fixed! Reboot your Chromecast and all should be well.
Pro-tip: We're working on auto-selecting appropriate subtitles and there's tiny shortcut you can use right now to make it a little better:
When selecting files (playlist or not), select the subtitles WITH THE VIDEO AT THE SAME TIME. We will match up the subtitle and it'll be inside the dropdown menu when the movie loads. (The next step is auto-selecting, we're working on it, promise :-D )
@j0k3rk1ll3r When you're watching a movie, click the speech bubble icon on the playback controls (right next to the volume slider).
This brings up settings for subtitle and audio tracks. If the movie you are watching has multiple audio tracks, you'll see a dropdown list that will let you choose the specific audio track to use.
@isaacchristie We totally do transcode! Any track that the Chromecast cannot decode, we will transcode. So if it's just the audio that is incompatible, we WILL NOT transcode video and kill your CPU.
If your CPU is going nutso with Videostream, it's because we have to transcode the video and it's of ridiculous high quality. :-P
My personal rule of thumb, most likely to not need to transcode: MP4, x264, no greater than 720p.
As for custom fonts, we currently render internal SSA subtitles with their correct fonts but do not have a way to set a custom font for external subtitles. Consider this on the features-to-build-at-some-point list, this is the first time someone has suggested it to my knowledge. :-P
This is what the Chromecast supports.
I'd say keep the overal bit-rate low if possible. The main culprit for buffering is shitty network throughput. These are the cases in which your WiFi just can't handle things.
Shoot for 5Mbit... The Chromecast team has told us ~6Mbit is where problems arise. If it's too crummy of quality, push it a little. ;-)
We definitely need a response system for things like that. You're right, it would be super useful.
That way next time I break everything we can let you know right away ;).
@eyesofnova You are kind of a genius - every case I have found, this works.
The Chrome App Launcher seems to be weird on some computers with strange Anti-virus combos.
You can also launch Videostream from your Start Menu on your computer - just search for Videostream from the start menu!
I've passed it off to Google and still digging for solutions on the tab casting. Anybody else with this specific issue, send me your OS and Antivirus information. Must squash bug!
We just fixed it! Reboot the Chromecast and all will be well!
Glad to hear it - sorry we busted it in the first place :(
And by we: I mean me... I replaced all of our certificates on Thursday... and I forgot the damn server that hosts our Chromecast receiver.